Relief Carving and Printmaking

Join us on 04/20/2025

(event date estimated)

Relief Carving and Printmaking Event Description

Come join us for a day of relief carving and printmaking. Create your own designs and carve them into soft linoleum material. From the carvings, you will ink-print your designs onto cards and beautiful papers. Jennifer Mally, who has extensive education and experience in the arts, will teach the class.

The class will be held on Saturday, April 20 from 11am to 3pm. The cost is $50. The instructor will provide all the supplies needed.

Class maximum: 15.

Get ready for the Relief Carving and Printmaking

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    Relief Carving and Printmaking Where & When

  • Location: Galena, IL 61036
  • Event Date: 2024/04/20 11:00:00 AM (Saturday)
  • Categories:
    • classes

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  • Join us at the Relief Carving and Printmaking in April for a great event. The Relief Carving and Printmaking works hard to deliver you a memorable event experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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